When I had my own (small) High Street empire I understood the marketing strategies, didn't like it, but I understood.
I'm just as bad now. Business was good last Christmas (thank you each and every one of you) but I didn't start marketing until the end of November and knew it could've been better. I've already bought stock and have designed badges specially for the season. Even my Halloween badges are on eBay now!

I'm not one of those people that do their Christmas shopping in January (anyway, I'd forget where I put it if I did). I love the sentimental idea of leaving all thoughts of Christmas 'til Christmas Eve...you know, picking the tree as the snow fall gently down around after a lovely, very productive, bimble around the town exchanging Season's Greetings with friends and neighbours. Are your surprised that one of my favourite films is 'A Wonderful Life'?
I try not to get caught up the the panic; to savour the anticipation, to enjoy selecting the perfect gift. Instead it seems to be one great big headache and I end up spending a fortune on stuff because I just want to get back home. Hardly the Christmas spirit!
Anyway, the point is, finally (Himself says I'm like Ronnie Corbett with his arm-chair monologues, taking several minutes, branching off at tangents seemingly losing my train of thought before coming to the point~personally I think its a skill, allowing me to impart copious amounts of useless information to my audience in a single sentence. Maybe it's 'cos I'm short petite and tend to get overlooked. Himself says it's amusing, if a little annoying. I prefer to think its endearing...)
Anyway, the point is that this year I'm buying Handmade where I can & I'm starting NOW. My money is going to small businesses and charity shops and by starting now I can find the perfect present and no panic buying.
Remember: buy handmade and seek out items as unique and special as you, your family and friends are.
Handmade items are the result of an individual's passion, time, energy and focus. There is an intimacy in buying these items that you don't get when you buy cookie cutter items from big box stores.