Saturday, 15 November 2008

How to sweep your Missus of her feet...

Its official...I am a geek!
And so easily seduced by a trip to Staples and a new bit of kit!
I've been hankering after a new printer for ages and while we were in the store looking for a new router Himself whipped this off the shelf and bought it for me...I love it, who needs flowers?

AND...its now up in the office with the rest of my pc! Woo hoo, no more draughty garage.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

How to Decorate a Christmas Stocking

How's this for a fabulous idea for personalising your Christmas Stockings this year! Found it in the Idealhome's Magazine Christmas issue.

Using my Christmas badges I'm going to have a go! There's a pattern in the mag but if you can't be bothered have a look here.

Saturday, 1 November 2008


Tilly and I are Dr Who and Torchwood nerds. Well, I say nerds...we don't know the name and order of each and every episode, the inside leg measurement of David Tennant's tailor's cousin's brother-in-law or have a friend of a friend who knows someone who walked past John Barrowman; BUT Tilly went to a comic book convention and spoke to a chap who had been a monster in a Dr Who episode! LOL

What I'm getting round to is, Himself and I had a couple of days in South Wales and visited the Dr Who Up Close Exhibit in Cardiff. Should've borrowed a couple of children then I could have justified jumping up and down in the queue with excitement!

Didn't need to go much further.....this was free to see!

Always thought that the original Cybermen were more scarey...used to be terrified of walking past those yellow moulded plastic workmen's huts as a child (I think they came out of them in one series but I'm not sure and can't find any photographic evidence on the web...cor, now that is nerdy!)

Ah, legend! Where's the sofa?

I have a line in Dr Who badges and magnets in my shop The Stroppy Cow and on eBay which are very popular.