But I justify my mess as creative chaos. Sure, I love my work room when its all tidy and neat, everything in its place. Only problem is, I can't find anything! I like to see what things I've got and if it's in it's storage box I can't see it!
I like to think that when the Intergalactic Time Team and the holographic Tony Robinson visit the site of my house many years into the future they will be 'gobsmacked' by the amount of finds under the rotted floorboards. Beads, jump rings, pins, chain....definitely signs of post-Roman industry.
Here is my beloved drill press...the biggest power tool I have (lurve power tools!) Doesn't see much action these days though - roll on the school hols.
I do have a tool tidy for my pliers, wire cutters etc...its just not very tidy!
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