Better late than never I guess!
I've been super busy, firstly recovering from the amazingly manic Christmas rush and secondly tweaking my new look web site. Pop over and have a's FAB!
I've been super busy, firstly recovering from the amazingly manic Christmas rush and secondly tweaking my new look web site. Pop over and have a's FAB!

I've so many things to post but I'll start with the new stuff and hopefully, catch up later!
There are some new Valentine's Day badges on the The Stroppy Cow and eBay, although, technically, most are Anti-Valentine's Badges!

I was rummaging through my jewellery finding, just to re-acquaint myself with the stock 'cos it's been sooo long since I had time to make anything, when I found some cute boy and girl fimo charms I was 'saving' for a project and quickly whipped them up into earrings!
How cute are they?
I'm going to have to have a clearance sale! I'm off the the NEC for the Spring Gift Fair at the beginning of February so I need space for all the new goodies I'm hoping to find.
I just don't seem to find the time now for making the bracelets and stuff and I miss it.
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