Friday, 25 July 2008

Not growning up!

Tillymint and I are going to go and live in Universal Studios, Orlando. We've decided! She says its the best place in the world and I'm inclined to agree with her! I didn't go on 'experience' nearly half the rides but was totally blown away by the whole place!


Day 1!

They certainly know how to build a Theme Park!

Tilly and Tilly's Friend cartooned!

We spent 9 ½ hours in there one day...goodness knows how far we walked or how many bottles of water we drank (gosh was it hot!)


Entrance to the Jurassic Park part of Islands of Adventure


Looks like I'm supper!

(I did feel such a plonker posing for this...I hate having my picture taken)


It's just like living in the TV!


Of course, this is just a ride...I saw the real Spidey in the shop later.



The colours and shapes were amazing...I was like a kid in a sweet shop


This Ice Cream parlour was great


Loved the Kennedy Space Centre


Yeah...they look ready for anything!

Blocked Qi?

I've returned from our holiday with a singular lack of enthusiasm for anything.

Summer is always slack for me on eBay and the web site and I was going to take the opportunity of the 6 week break from school to build up my stock of 'stuff' in readiness for Christmas. I'd made notes of slogans for badges, been inspired with colours for charm bracelets...but can I sit down and create? NOPE!

So, I decided, maybe - just maybe- my workshop was the problem (see Organised Chaos). Maybe I had a blockage.....maybe all those positive energy vibes were taking one look through the window then heading for the hills!
Well, three hours later and half a wheelie bin of crap lighter, it looks fabulous.
Of course, I'm too knackered to do anything now.
Maybe tomorrow......

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Jet-lag sucks

So far the desire to see strange new worlds just about out-weighs the terror of flying...but its a close call. I think I'll need to put in some serious therapy to get my panic under control if we're to step foot on a 'plane again.
Then, of course, if we will insist on long-haul there's the 3-4 days (if you're lucky) of body-clock mayhem when we return. I managed a day at work then had to call in sick with the almighty mother of a migraine. We still can't sleep and we've been back a week! (Maybe that's just depression at the thought of real life catching up with us again).
Note for self improvement: dump the negativity!