Friday, 19 December 2008
Christmas Blues

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Mouthy Cow

Monday, 8 December 2008
What a weekend!

Snowflake Badge Pack
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Don't get me wrong, I'm an easy going person and fairly tolerant (although I do get pissed off at constantly being asked if I want a store credit card or would I like to buy the latest soft toy 'only £12 as I've spent 50p' BHS~be warned, ask me again and I'll stuff your teddy).
I'm a sucker for politeness, even from the most uncouth of youths. It costs nothing and I'll usually cut someone a lot of slack, even if they don't necessarily mean it (at least they're making an effort). But was is it today about some of these young people ~ I'm talking about mainly youngsters between the age of 14 and 17 ~ who don't like to be told 'No'?
I had a brush with a young man yesterday who had had more than his allotted time using one of our public facilities but came back again after lunch. I explained that he'd already had over his daily allowance and he would have to come back next time we were open. He tried arguing his point but left fairly resigned.
Ten minutes later he was caught trying to burn the building down.
Of course, it won't be his fault. But don't even get me started down that road.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Top Gear

Maybe I'm having an embolism but old JC looks quite attractive there and he'd certainly cheer me up every time I got him out to check my lippy! Mmmm maybe I'm not well...
Saturday, 15 November 2008
How to sweep your Missus of her feet...
And so easily seduced by a trip to Staples and a new bit of kit!
I've been hankering after a new printer for ages and while we were in the store looking for a new router Himself whipped this off the shelf and bought it for me...I love it, who needs flowers?

Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Saturday, 1 November 2008

Didn't need to go much further.....this was free to see!
Always thought that the original Cybermen were more scarey...used to be terrified of walking past those yellow moulded plastic workmen's huts as a child (I think they came out of them in one series but I'm not sure and can't find any photographic evidence on the web...cor, now that is nerdy!)
Ah, legend! Where's the sofa?
I have a line in Dr Who badges and magnets in my shop The Stroppy Cow and on eBay which are very popular.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Monday, 20 October 2008
In training

Just the job.....eh? One of these would stop my ass getting wet!
PS Just worked out that 10,000 steps is about 5 miles! 5 miles! Who's got time to walk 5 miles a day? Oh well, we'll see what a day a work measures up to tomorrow!
Found this site and feel a little better now!
...and I'm not paying for it!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Baby its cold outside...

Cute eh?
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
New Goodies
Like a big kid at Christmas, I couldn't wait to get in that box! Need to get them all photographed and onto eBay and the The Stroppy Cow but here's a sneak preview!
Hand knitted ear flap hats ~ got my eye on that top one, it might not get as far as the shop!
Beaded rings
Hand made embroidered Mirror detail

Great selection of fleece lined hats
Woo hoo, can't waited to get them listed!
Meet Buttercup

I seem to be accumulating cows (not real ones thank goodness, at least not yet!!). I have soft toys and numerous cards in the office, I even have a singing cow card from Tilly (I'm in the mood for dancing~ Nolans!) in pride of place where I can open it for a short burst of instant nostalgia.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Badge Stories
Printing and punching out the logo
All done, ready for dispatch.
That's just short of 3 hours work (not including tea breaks)...wouldn't believe it would you? Phew!
My right bicep is becoming very quite well developed!

Friday, 5 September 2008
Talk Like a Pirate Day

Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Beaded Charm Bracelet Tutorial
This beaded charm bracelet is very easy to make, it takes a couple of hours depending on your skill with the pliers and how fat your fingers feel!!
You will need:
Pair of short nosed pliers
Pair of cutter pliers

- Enough jewellery elastic to go round your wrist twice (or play it safe like I did and use 90cm)
- Approx 60cm of large link chain (I used 1cm) Tip: avoid chain with links that aren’t closed as it tends to come off the bracelet when the elastic is stretched…oops!)
- 8 x 14mm round or oval beads plus 1 focus bead (I used a silver coloured bead)
- 3 x smaller complimentary beads (I used 1 x 10mm and 2 x 6mm)
- Approx 11 charms and/or buttons
- 14 x 9mm jump rings
- 4 x calottes (Necklace Ends, also known as calottes or clamshells, are used to attach the necklace or bracelet thread~ we're going to use them to attach our ball chain to a jump ring. Calottes and bead tips are metal findings that cover the knot at the end of a string of beads. Calottes (also called clam shells) clamp sideways over the knot. Adding a drop of glue or clear nail polish secures the knot/chain. Close the bead tip with pliers.
- 4 x headpins (Headpins look like small thin nails. Put a bead on a head pin, bend a loop in the top, and you have a dangle! )
- approx 13mm of ball chain
- optional (but VERY handy) florist wire or beading needle

Calottes, headpins, jumprings and ball chain
Ok, lets get started.
Step 1

Thread the jewellery elastic through the chain, this is where a bent bit of florist's wire or a beading needle really helps.
Step 2
Your chain should now be 'scrunched' up along your threading material.

Now add your large beads.
Step 3
Open your jump rings by twisting them front to back, do not pull them apart as this pulls them out of shape, and pop them onto your charms and/or buttons
Step 4
You will need to thread the smaller remaining beads onto the head pins to make some dangle charms.

Step 5
Tie the loose ends of your threading material, adjusting for fit before cutting off the excess. Tip: try adding a drop of clear glue to the knot for extra security.
Step 6
Cut your ball chain into 3 different lengths.
Attach a calotte to each piece of chain securing with a small blob of clear glue if preferred.
Step 8
You are now ready to attach the charms/buttons, beads and chain to your bracelet, pausing to admire your handiwork at regular intervals!
Step 9
Ta da.... finished!
How smug do you feel now?