Tuesday, 8 December 2009
That could be down to the fact that I've had little time to wallow in my own self pity or even enjoy time reclining on my sofa suffering silently (but stoically you understand) because others decided they were going to get it too.
How mean & selfish of them! This was supposed to be about me, me, ME!
Oh well, they'll get theirs when there's nowt under the tree but a dry old satsuma and a box of PG Tips.
Anyway, still looking for some Christmas Cheer, don't see anything but Humbug at the moment.
Yours wallowing
Cindy Lou Who xxx
Friday, 4 December 2009
Tamiflu and hot Timto
- NHS for the Tamiflu
- Himself for going to the chemist to fetch it & bringing me back a jar of pickled onions (still trying to figure that one out)
- Suey for the hot timto recommendation
- my kids for talking funny and even never shutting up
Hot 'timto'...the elixier of life, warmer of cold hands & great sledging companion
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Chocolate Cake Part 2

Raised £43.00 for Children In Need.
Thank you NSN Birmingham
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Hallowe'en treats
Customer Gary looking fab in his Rorschach costume with large Watchmen badge
"I've attached a choice of photos for you to see how the badge rounded off my Rorschach costume brilliantly. Thanks again"
What brilliant costumes, makes me wish I'd made an effort...maybe next year!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
A moment of weakness?
However, in a moment of weakness that I can only put down to my bitter disappointment at the lack of eggs coming from my 3-taking-the-piss-soon-to-be-spit-roast chickens and failure to recover from a retching fit (chicken poop is evil) that left me in tears for the 5 miles to Focus, not only did I buy a bright green tub of Doktor Power but also a Magic Carpet!
As I already own a Pedegg obviously I'm a low involvement processing marketing dream!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
I've lost a minute!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009
He's not getting up!
An extra hour in bed this morning to get stuck into the new Dan Brown, then a gentle gathering of receipts and invoices before moving downstairs to boot up my new Notebook.

Hopefully fortified by a Double Chocca Mocha and a slice of toast with cashew nut butter (tried it yet...OMG it's delicious) I could tackle my new Sage Accounting programme (that's why I needed 3 days!!!). A break around 10ish to nip across the road to the garden centre for a birthday pressie, then head down, full tilt for the rest of the day and Thursday.
HOWEVER! As I staggered to the bathroom in the dark this morning I thought 'How odd' (I did!) U-oh, the first stirrings of panic, is He not getting up? He's not dead, I'm sure He's not dead,I felt him shuffling about in bed...back to peer at the LED alarm, 05.48, is He not getting up????
'Alright love?' I asked ( is He not getting up?) 'Poorly!' He said (bugga, He's not getting up).
Now I feel guilty, cos he really is full of a nasty cold and he will stay in bed (he isn't a martyr when he's ill) but I'm a motherer - I can't help it . I need to supply warm tea, toast (no cashew nut butter though), paracetamol, comfort & sympathy, check his fevered brow and generally make him feel desperate to go back to work! I'll feel guilty if I get sucked into work & forget he's there so I'll not get stuck in as much as I should and then feel equally guilty for not focusing! Deep eh?
Anyhoo, I'm going to give it a go. He's pretty hot on Sage so at least I've a captive advisor if I'm really stuck and I do love having him at home...honest I do! HONEST!
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
September Newsletter
Hope you had a wonderful summer!
Coming soon:
Oh, I've had a lovely time buying new quirky gifts. They'll all be on the website by the end of the month but here's a sneak preview.
Owl phone charms
£2.99 each

£9.99 each
Wonder Woman Shopping Bag
£12.99 each
New Badges
It's that time of year again and, as well as the old favourites, we've added some new badges to our Halloween Collection.
Baby Monster set of 4 Halloween badges
Lots of demand for movie related badges with the fantastic choice we've had this summer at the cinema.
Hope to see you soon and, don't forget, we make custom badges too!
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Fear of Flying Part 2
I fly, but the desire to see strange exotic places is beginning to take second place to the certainty that I will drop from the sky. As I type this I can feel the need to dash to the loo, the familiar gut wrenching liquid mass that was once my insides is threatening to leave my, well, insides.
If it was just me, I wouldn't bother. I'd leave the UK by other means if I had to (although I am claustrophobic and the Channel Tunnel is a bit of a challenge and I do get seasick ....) I can't NOT go on holiday abroad and spoil it for every one else - can I?
We're off to the Algarve in just over a week with some great friends who have promised to ignore me as I go into melt down as the airport. I have a feeling that this is not out of respect for my privacy but more a case of 'avoiding the leper'. And who can blame them?
But I have a secret weapon this year. I have bought a hypnotherapy CD 'Overcome the Fear of Flying'. It promises a pleasant voice to guide me into a deep state of mental & physical relaxation. Mmmm not sure it's helping so far but I'm certainly sleeping like a baby at night!
I'm not susceptible to hypnosis. I've tried it before and it just gave me wind. But I do believe in the power of positive affirmations and if I can get myself under control I will cope.
So, I'm off to lie down, plug Glenn in & think positive thoughts of warm weather, glorious beaches, great company, yummy food & decent coffee. Wish me luck!
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Here come the girls - I hope!

Those trousers look MUCH better from the front (honestly)
I've backed down on the Ex-Batts idea from my last posting. The 'could go wrongs' far outweigh the ethics as far as a newbie keeper like myself is concerned. However, the idea has not been shelved and I hope to add a couple once I'm confident with my ladies.
We intend collecting our girls on Sunday so watch this space.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Domesticity & Ex Batts

Mmmm lovely!

We're getting our Ex-Batts in August but I have to treat/paint the hen house first and Himself has big plans for extending the run. I must confess to being slightly nervous having bought a book and reading about what dreadful things they can get in terms of lice (yuk, yuk, yuk I hate stuff like that makes my skin crawl!) but, hey, I've had kids! Nuff said!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
That darn cat...again!

She won't notice if I just stick my head under here, then it'll be a quick shove and 'ooops did I do that...me bad'
Tadah....easy peasey. Look out duvet....incoming!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
We received a request for a customised charm bracelet with a butterfly and star theme from Jade in Glasgow. Here's what her mum had to say:
Hello just to let u know recieved bracelet today jade was over the moon with it she loved it many thanks for being able to create what she was looking for . ( It was just a wee gift from me to her for her highers this week ) and Jade: Hi, It's absolutely gorgeous. Thank-you so much.
Save the Date Magnets for Nicola and Paul in Liverpool for their wedding in 2011, fantastic idea...
Lynn, THANK YOU. My magnets look great! They arrived today and i have printed the cards and stuck them on with didi gluedots! They are perfect! I shall send you some photos as soon as i gt myself organised. Please feel free to put them on your site if you think it will drum up some orders! Nicola
Archery achievement badges for 2020 Archery. Hi Lynn - really pleased with the badges. So pleased in fact that we'd like to order some more!
And they did!
Just some of the Worcester round badges

2020 Archery logo badges
Pub saving in Guernsey:
Hi Lynn
Just a note to say that we have won round one towards saving our pub !! Our badges being worn proudly !! Corinne

Brillaint graphic supplied by Ian in the Midlands, made great 44mm magnets.
So happy with the customer service and the actual items, i will order more! Ian
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Custom Badges
Here are a few of the orders:

500 x 58 mm badges for Shelter (UK Charity) being cut out

badges ready for shipping
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Successful Advertising
Not only do they represent great value in terms of advertising for your business but the cost is not prohibitive if you want to sell your badges on, either as a band or organisation. Everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment and getting your name out there in the market place can be expensive.
Here at The Stroppy Cow we've been able to stream-line our prices thanks to careful buying on our part and this is reflected in our new bulk pricing list.
1 of 100 25mm badges made for Vespa restorer.

1 of 100 25mm badges for campaign to save St Saviour’s Tavern on Guernsey
And what about selling them on?
Well, at 23p each for 100 there is plenty of scope to more than double the cost price to make a very attractive retail price.
But, don't forget, we don't just make badges.
We have magnets and mirrors too.
And we're currently working on Save The Date magnets for Weddings, so watch this space.

But he may have had a point about the swallow though. I saw my first two on Sunday while enjoying driving though the Cheshire country side in glorious sunshine. They were swooping out of a farm barn chittering as they went (probably going on about the state of the place & wondering whether it was worth popping over to Ikea).
Sending a silent prayer to the goddess of camping (yes, it's staycation for us), I speculated out loud, to my other half, about the coming of summer...
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Chocolate Cake!

Semi-Naked Chocolate Cake ~ covered in chocolate frosting
(drooling yet?)
Layers of dark, milk & white chocolates and fudge
with melted white chocolate drizzle.
Fully dressed chocolate cake ready to go off to be auctioned.
I made the chocolate sponge mix 4 times in all to make an additional 2 dozen cupcakes, each finished off with frosting, sprinkles and a chocolate.
The cake sold for £35 and the cupcakes for £1.00 each.
It's been a long time since I did any baking and I loved every minute. I was asked if I did it professionally....hey, nice compliment and a lovely idea but ALL that washing up?? No thanks!
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Cat Sabotage

In like Flynn this cat.
Not five minutes before I'd been
Now there's muddy footprints inside. Grrrrrr.
I swear she told me to sod off when I shouted at her. She certainly looked at me as if to say 'what ya gonna do about it loser'.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Ebay Blues

Thursday, 5 February 2009
How to Shop...
I love buying! Sometimes I HATE shopping.
Take yesterday for example. Frustrated by the number of shops that think the bigger you are, the taller you must be, I just stood, tears rolling down my face, propped up by Himself, unsure whether to collapse pathetically in a heap or to charge, crazed and finger wielding into Evans. However,I'll save that rant for another day...
I visited the NEC on Tuesday to attend the Spring Fair which is the highlight of the trade buying year. I love it. Its like all the Christmas's I've always wanted, all at once! Hundreds of traders with, mostly, amazing stalls and the most gorgeous things you could ever want to buy. With last year's trip still quite fresh in my mind I was determined to stay focused this time and not wear myself out looking at every shiny, bright, colourful,funny and cute item on display. I also had a secret weapon this year...Himself had offered to come with me to see what I found so fascinating. Besides, I'd also made a list! (His Virgo-ness must be catching)
So, within a couple of hours I'd visited all of my existing suppliers, found the ones I wanted to checkout on my list and managed to discover a couple of lovely surprises. Leaving a couple of hours left for wandering to Ooo and Aah at the shiny,bright,colourful,funny and cute things....oh, and buying of course.

Envirosax...gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous

David Arquette with his Envirosax

Cute key rings and phone charms from Hot Munkey
I've also ordered some great handbags made from recycled packaging, but sadly no pics yet and a huge selection of quirky jewelley. I've tried to go Fair Trade and as Eco-Friendly as possible and have generally stuck with the smaller traders (actually the larger ones can be really snooty with 'small-time' retailers so stuff em!).
Watch this space for updates or subscribe to The Stroppy Cow newsletter using the link on the right for regular updates.
Nurse Badges and Magnets

Some are on eBay but the complete set can be found on The Stroppy Cow web site.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Ireland Special Order

Cutouts and components ready to assemble.
Nearly done!
Lots of bubble wrap!
All ready to post, complete with voile gift bags.
It was a great order, shame we were let down by Royal Mail who took 3 days to get it out of the UK on a 'guaranteed' 24 hour service!